Thursday 26 December 2013


Sebuah dokumentari Al-Jazeera English tentang penghasilan madu Sidr di Yaman yang menjadi bisnes utama penduduk Yaman.

Mereka menghasilkannya secara organik tanpa menggunakan sebarang bahan kimia. Madu sidr ini dihasilkan oleh lebah yang hanya menghisap dari pohon sidr (bidara, jujube) yang disebut tentang pohon ini di dalam Al-Quran, tidak menghisap dari bunga-bunga yang lain.

Ini menjadikan kualitinya terbaik, bau dan rasa yang enak, kuasa penyembuhan terhadap penyakit yang tinggi, harga yang mahal dan permintaan yang sangat tinggi dan berterusan dari seluruh dunia.

Hebatnya ALLAH yang menciptakan.


Ini adalah antara cara memakan madu sidr dan summur seperti yang disarankan. 
Elok dimakan ketika perut kosong.


© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd. ARKIB : 13/07/2011
KOTA BHARU 12 Julai - Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) Kampus Kesihatan mempelopori penggunaan madu lebah bagi merawat ulser diabetes dan mengurangkan masalah inflamasi pada mukosa mulut pesakit kanser nasofarign yang menjalani rawatan radiasi di Hospital Universiti Sains Malaysia (HUSM).

Penyelidikan melibatkan madu lebah untuk kedua penyakit tersebut telah dijalankan oleh pakar perubatan hospital berkenaan kira-kira 20 tahun lalu.

Berikutan USM dianugerahkan status universiti penyelidikan oleh Kementerian Pengajian Tinggi pada tahun 2005, sekumpulan pakar perubatan mengambil peluang memulakan penyelidikan melibat madu tempatan.

Projek penyelidikan pertama bertajuk Keberkesanan Pengambilan Madu Terhadap Gejala Pernafasan di Kalangan Jemaah Haji Malaysia berjaya dijalankan dan ia merupakan antara 46 penyelidikan madu yang telah dan sedang dijalankan di USM Kampus Kesihatan.

Pengarah Kampus USM Kampus Kesihatan, Prof. Datuk Dr. Mafauzy Mohamed berkata, sebanyak RM2 juta Geran Penyelidikan Universiti dianugerahkan kepada pensyarah bagi menjalankan penyelidikan madu lebah tualang tersebut.

Menurutnya,di samping menjalankan kajian keberkesanan penggunaan madu untuk pelbagai jenis penyakit, penyelidikan tersebut turut membantu meningkatkan pengetahuan masyarakat mengenai khasiat perubatan madu tempatan secara saintifik.

''Harga madu di pasaran juga meningkat dan menjadi pilihan ramai sebagai makanan kesihatan untuk semua peringkat masyarakat,"katanya.

Tambahan pula, katanya, hasil penyelidikan melibatkan herba, madu dikenalpasti berpotensi menurunkan paras gula dalam darah serta meningkatkan kesihatan fizikal .

Katanya lagi, sehubungan itu pensyarah dan penyelidikan di Kampus Kesihatan digalakkan mendapatkan geran penyelidikan dari sumber luar untuk mempelbagaikan penyelidikan mereka dalam meningkatkan kualiti.

''Selain madu lebah, USM turut meluluskan geran di bawah Bahagian Jaringan Industri dan Masyarakat berjumlah RM50,000 bagi projek ternakan madu lebah kelulut.

''Setakat ini usaha membangunkan produk madu lebah kelulut bagi kegunaan merawat penyakit dan pemakanan kesihatan telah dimulakan," katanya.

Dr. Mafauzy menambah, pihaknya juga mengalu-alukan perjanjian persefahaman yang diadakan dengan Universiti Hasanuddin Makasar dalam kajian melibatkan madu lebah serta pembangunan produknya.

Beliau berharap, kerjasama itu mampu menghasilkan suatu modul perawatan yang komprehensif dan dapat ditawarkan kepada pengamal perubatan tempatan dan global.

''Begitu juga, gabungan kerjasama dengan Syarikat Aifa Health Sdn. Bhd. yang secara prinsipnya bersetuju menyumbangkan sejumlah dana untuk mengadakan sebuah Makmal Efikasi Pre-Klinik dalam menjalankan kajian berkaitan," katanya.

Beliau turut melahirkan rasa bangga dengan perhatian ahli akademik, pelajar dan warga USM Kampus Kesihatan yang sensitif dengan keperluan masyarakat dalam membangunkan perubatan tradisional dan komplementari berasaskan madu.

Katanya, kajian berasaskan saintifik itu mampu diintegrasikan dalam sistem perubatan yang sedia ada dan usaha tersebut dapat dilihat sebagai salah satu daripada strategi Blue Ocean yang tidak memerlukan USM bersaing dengan institusi pengajian tinggi yang lain.


© Utusan Melayu (M) Bhd, Kolum: Kesihatan, ARKIB : 13/10/2013

Untuk mengekalkan kesihatan, pengambilan makanan yang seimbang dan berkhasiat adalah penting. Terdapat pelbagai pilihan makanan yang boleh diambil sebagai makanan tambahan yang mampu memberi zat dan nutrien yang tidak terdapat dalam makanan utama.

Madu lebah diperakui sebagai makanan yang bukan saja memberi khasiat tambahan, malah membantu memulihkan pelbagai masalah kesihatan.

Penawar daripada madu

Madu adalah salah satu bahan makanan yang mempunyai sifat penyembuh semula jadi. Ia sudah dikenali sejak zaman dahulu sebagai salah satu sumber makanan yang baik untuk kecantikan dan kesihatan dalaman.

Dalam perubatan Islam, madu sering digunakan sebagai ubat untuk membantu meringankan sakit seperti membersihkan kotoran di dalam usus, menormalkan kelembapan tubuh badan, mancairkan kahak dan menguatkan sistem pertahanan tubuh.

Menurut Dr. Susan Percival dari Jabatan Nutrisi Manusia dan Sains Makanan, Universiti Florida, Amerika Syarikat, madu mengandungi pelbagai kandungan mineral dan vitamin seperti B6, tiamina, miacin, ribotlorina dan asid pontohenic. Ia juga mengandungi zat-zat seperti kalsium, zat besi, kuprum, magnesium, manganese, fosforus, potasium, sodium dan zink.

Madu turut mengandungi vitamin B1, B2, C, B6 dan B3. Komposisinya berubah-ubah sesuai dengan kualiti madu bunga dan serbuk sari yang diperoleh lebah. Madu berperanan sebagai anti oksida dalam badan manusia yang mampu menghapuskan bahan-bahan radikal yang menjadi penyebab utama kepada penyakit-penyakit kronik. Kajian terkini membuktikan, kandungan madu lebah yang terdiri daripada bahan semula jadi pelbagai gula seperti glukos dan fruktos ini mampu meningkatkan stamina.

Madu boleh diamalkan dalam diet seharian kerana madu sesuai dijadikan pengganti gula sekaligus dapat menjaga kesihatan badan. Selain itu, amalan minum air madu hangat selepas makan boleh membantu melancarkan pencernaan serta meningkatkan metabolism tubuh.

Dari segi kecantikan, madu sebenarnya telah lama digunakan untuk mencantik, menghalus, melembab dan mengawal keanjalan kulit.

Saturday 21 December 2013


The very popular and expensive Sidr and Summur (Samrah) honey is known throughout the world because of their amazing taste and health benefits. These two types of honey have the honor of being considered the finest kind in the world. They are among the few types of honey that also features antibacterial properties.

Only a limited amount of Sidr and Summur honey is produced every single year yet the demand continues to grow. As a result, the price of these types of honey has skyrocketed and is only expected to become more expensive as the years go by.


While there are similar types of honey that can be found throughout the world, only the Yemeni Sidr honey has the distinction of being the world’s finest. The Sidr trees have played a crucial role in herbal medicine for thousands of years, the tree is considered sacred and has been used as a natural medicine for centuries.

While the fruits from the tree have been the most commonly used part of the tree, it was later found that the bees which harvest the nectar from the Sidr trees made a honey that had some amazing properties.

Furthermore, not all bottles of Sidr honey are the same. The purer the Sidr honey is, the more expensive it can be. Honey can come with any number of additives and or contaminants. When it comes to the best, you will find that the price of Sidr honey can be quite overwhelming. However, because of the many great medicinal and health benefits associated with the daily consumption of the product, the price is worth it.

For the most part, when it comes to using Sidr honey for its many health benefits, all that you need to do is to take a small spoonful of it every single day. Keep in mind that it tastes very good and while you may be tempted to consume more, remember that the more you consume, the more expensive it can cost you :)


1. Sidr honey: It is a mono-floral honey and the best kind of honey in the world . Its unique quality, outstanding taste and medical make it the most preferred honey. Extracted by bees from Sidr flowers nectar only.

2. Summur / Sumrah honey: It is a mono-floral honey. It comes in the second rank after Sidr honey. Extracted by bees from Sumrah flowers nectar.

3. Mara’i honey: It is poly-floral honey. It is ordinary honey extracted by bees from the flowers nectar of different trees.

The main difference in the quality of honey is due to its source (monofloral i.e honey extracted from one type of flowers or polyfloral i.e honey extracted from different types of flowers by honey bees).

Research done on different honeys confirmed that floral source, climate when the honey is being harvested and soil composition are all key factors in determining not only its flavor, color or aroma but also its quality and efficacy for medicinal purposes.

Another important factor affecting honey's curative qualities is purity. Only crude, unprocessed and unadulterated honey is shown to be effective. High price of Sidr honey is because of its medicinal properties and limited availability. It is the most expensive honey due to its believed healing properties that include rejuvenating properties in addition to its cosmetic and aphrodisiacal qualities.


More than 1,400 years ago Allah and His Messenger sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam told us that honey can heal a variety of medical problems. The Prophet sallallahu’alaihiwasallam said, “Make use of the two remedies: Honey and the Quran.” (Al-Tirmizi)

Modern medicine is only just learning of this fact. People knew honey from ancient times and long before they began to process refined sugar. Honey's natural properties also make it an excellent replenisher and a solvent; it opens the pores of blood vessels and eases menstrual discharge, forces out phlegm, and opens obstruction of the liver, kidney, and bladder.

Honey contains detergent and tonic properties that cleanse the arteries and bowels of impurities. It opens obstructions of the liver, kidney, and bladder. It is also a general preservative, and it helps to preserve the potency of salves among other natural medicinal remedies. Honey is also a curative for a depraved appetite, and when taken as a drink mixed with hot water and a pomace made from sweet roses, it helps the treatment of rabies, and is considered a safeguard from further infections. Honey is also used as detoxicant for drug users, and as an antitoxin to treat accidental eating of poisonous plants of the nightshade family (Hyoscymus niger), or wild fungus, among others. As a preservative, honey can be used to preserve meat for up to three months, and is used in pickling cucumbers, squash, eggplant, and various kinds of fruits for up to six months.

Traditional uses of honey have included honey mixed with lemon for sore throats. Honey coats the throat and reduces throat irritation. Research has shown that honey blocks the growth of oral bacteria. Honey has also been used for stomach pains and problems. Modern research shows that honey is effective when used in the treatment of gastric or peptic stomach ulcers. Research has also revealed that honey is effective in the treatment of various wounds and infections because of its anti-microbial (antibacterial, antiviral, and anti-fungal) properties.

Researchers are not absolutely sure why honey heals but they are learning new things about honey everyday. We do know that honey contains a variety of sugars and minerals. Honey is also considered an antioxidant. This means it allows the blood to circulate better and provide more oxygen to areas of the body such as the brain. Honey can also be used externally to promote healing when applied to wounds, even postoperative wounds. Honey has also been effective in its use to treat burns. It has even been shown to be low in calories and useful as a sweetener for diabetics, people with heart-disease, or those overweight.

Although there is healing in honey for a variety of medical disorders, certain precautions should be taken. Children under the age of one year never should be given honey due to the possibility of infant botulism.

As Muslims, we must acknowledge and accept that Allah and His Prophet know better and have revealed the truth. Allah says in the Quran, "And Your lord inspired the bee, to build your dwellings in hills, on trees, and in (human's) habitations. Then, to eat of all the produce and follow the ways of your Lord made easy. There comes forth from their bodies a drink of varying color, wherein is healing for men: Verily, in this is a sign for those who give thought." [Qur'an 16: 68-69]

The Prophet sallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam has also told us of the healing found within honey for a variety of medical problems, including stomach ailments. One hadeeth, reported by Bukhari, states that a man came to the Prophet SAW because his brother had a stomach disorder. The Prophet said "Let him drink honey." The man returned a second time and again the Prophet responded again, "Let him drink honey." The man returned again, and said "I have done that". The Prophet then responded, "Allah has said the truth, but your brother's stomach has told a lie. Let him drink honey." He drank it and was cured.

Honey indeed has great nutritional value and is the drink of drinks, a sweetener of sweeteners, an ointment of ointments, and there is no other food among what Allah has created for us that equals honey value, and nothing is close to its constitution.